Numerous surgical methods can be applied. Direct brow lifts are done by removing an ellipse of skin and muscle just above the eyebrows. The incisions are concealed in the brow hair. The technique does not focus on the wrinkles or fine lines or wrinkles, and surgical scars may be visible. This method is usually used for older patients or men with dense eyebrow hair and male pattern baldness.
A mid-forehead lift is intended for patients older than 65 with heavy sagging eyebrows and deep forehead wrinkles. To bring about a more youthful look, the surgeon makes incisions in forehead wrinkles and removes the surplus skin, fat, and muscle. Incisions are performed in deep-seated wrinkles to keep the scars are hidden and unnoticeable after healing.
A coronal forehead lift is accomplished by utilizing an ear-to-ear incision across the forehead and lifting the entire brow and forehead.
Today’s modern technology is an endoscopic forehead lift, involving a surgical telescope to elevate the brows and smooth forehead wrinkles through small incisions made behind the hairline. Endoscopic surgery is often employed in forehead lifts. An endoscope is a surgical system with thin, pencil-sized arms inserted through three to five incisions about 3/8 of an inch long. A lighted camera on the instrument’s arm shows on a monitor what is going on under the patient’s skin. Other arms on the Endoscope carry essential surgical implements performing grasping or cutting functions. The surgeon watches the television monitor guide his movements.
Endoscopic forehead lift surgery can also be performed with a complex device known as an Endotine. A bioabsorbable Endotine implant looks like a:
- Hanger with five small tines, and
- Attached by inserting a flanged post into a drilled hole in the skull
Antibiotics may be prescribed for several days following surgery. Sutures are generally removed within one week. Swelling and some bruising may occur which should subside within a few weeks. Our doctors will prescribe ice compresses and eye exercises to reduce swelling and regain mobility. Women will be allowed to use eye cosmetics up to two weeks after surgery. You can proceed with your normal daily activities within 1 to 2 weeks. A final evaluation may occur within several months from the initial surgical procedure.
When surgeons have problems with an endoscopic forehead lift, in about one percent of cases they finish the procedure by switching to the open forehead lift method.
Complications are said to be rare and minor when a forehead lift is performed by a surgeon trained in the technique. However, it is possible for the surgical process to damage the nerves that control eyebrow and forehead movements. Hair loss can also occur along the scar edges in the scalp when an incision is made through the hairline. Moreover, infection and bleeding are possible with any surgical procedure.
Patients who have Endotine implants in their foreheads risk moving their newly adjusted tissues with relatively small movements just after the operation and before complete healing takes place. While the implant absorbs into the body, the Endotine generally does not support the very thick forehead flesh and heavy brows often seen in some overweight males.
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